Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What are the concequences of girls shaving their facial hair?

Will it grow back more noticeably, just more coarse, or what?What are the concequences of girls shaving their facial hair?
It will grow back faster, thicker and darker and it may also cause a rash and the hair will be stubbly. i would recommend you to wax any facial hair as then it wont grow back for ages and when it does it will be finer hairsWhat are the concequences of girls shaving their facial hair?

use the cosmetitian's advice and use a good product. DONT EVER TRY TO USE ANY PRODUCT YOU ARE NT SURE ABOUT. My sister did it once and got a lot more hair on her face than before. dont use men shaving razors ( i kno you wont be stupid enough to do tht but..... just in case....)
well im not sure about the ';faster and longer'; but if you do it always then it will be stubbly, like a man's, and you don't want that. Wax or use like Nair lotion hair remover.
it will grow back faster and longer

answer mine?;鈥?/a>
It will grow back and be rough just like leg hair. Don't shave it because no guy wants to caress a girl's face only to realize it feels just like his own. I repeat nothing good can come out of it.
dnt wax or anythng

bleach it use the sally brand iit does work

iits specificaly fo the face

its miiraculous

n u dnt have 2 o it every 2 weeks
when its coming back, it FEELS rougher, but essentially its the same thickness and same color. it has been proven that the 'rougher thicker darker' hair is a myth
it will NOT GROW BACK FASTER AND LONGER. but it will probably look like stubble. you shave it off. it will come back but shave it again. maybe wax. idk
yes it will grow thicker darker and it will be sooo noticable u should wax.
it'll come back like your leg hair does, stubbly and thicker. it's bested to just wax your female mustache.
It grows back more noticably, thicker, and more like stubble... it's really bad! Don't do it.. tweeze them or wax.
it would grow thicker
you will get man hair, wax or use Nair...

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