Monday, December 21, 2009

Do guys like girls with facial piercings?

Does it make a girl less attractive if she has a facial piercing?

Would it depend on whether or not she's pretty in the first place?

Are there some piercings that are definately less attractive than others?

please and thanks.Do guys like girls with facial piercings?

i like

//Do guys like girls with facial piercings?
To me, yeah she would look less attractive with facial piercings. I am not a fan of them at all.
I don't like piercings. I do not speak for others.
i personaly hate girls wit piercings on their nose!

and some times on their lip!

or on the lip it looks good if the girl is pretty and the piercing isnt too big.
Except for ear lobes, I think facial and body piercing is totally obnoxious. What's attractive about having permanent holes in the face? I've seen them all, pierced eyebrows, nostrils, lips, chin, and navels. Those and tattoos have got to go!!
I think it's disgusting anywhere but the ears!
Yes. Any piercing on the face is rly unattractive, not many ppl look good in them..if they do, then that's ok, but if they don't...then..yeahh//.
I find Women less attractive with Piercings like those.

Eww....Eyebrow Piercings.
Labraya and Monroes yes, nose and eyelids no way. If she is pretty a piercing will add to that, if not than it won't do anything for her looks.
Personally I dont like facial piercings. I only like Ear rings and Bellybutton rings, but then again thats just me...
peircings are hot, if done well. asy you had like 30 in ur face mayb not.

you dont have to b hot to get them. normaly if ur getting peirced ur into that kinda alt lifestyle which is hot

its just like how tats are hot on chics

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