Wednesday, December 30, 2009

GIRLS! What FACIAL features make a guy good looking?

Hey girls in your prospective, what facial features and you can say head shape etc would make a guy hot or good lookingGIRLS! What FACIAL features make a guy good looking?
Pretty eyes, cute smile ,nice teeth and pale skin for meh O cute lips toGIRLS! What FACIAL features make a guy good looking?
A good-looking guy to me has:

- a cute smile + white teeth

- clear skin

- medium nose.. lmao a nose like an asian's :D

- really defined cheekbones lol

- oval or circular head or square head lmao it doesn't matter
well it all depends on the girl right? but im pretty sure everyone can agree with me here, nice strong jaw bone, eyes, great smile, and i know this isnt a facial feature but HUMOUR :)
A big fat wallet. You have one of those and a girl wont even notice if you have a face.
look like james franco. his aesthetic qualities are the finest.
Perfect teeth.
Jaw Line

Nose (i dont like really big noses)

Eyes (i love blue eyes... if only i had them)


Hair(if thats a facial feature...)

Jaw line


beautiful green or blue eyes... thats hot
i'd say..

HIS SMILE!!! 100%
1. eyes

2. mouth/teeth

smile, hair and jaw
light pretty eyes, and really cute lips
nice teeth!
a nice smile, clear skin, jaw line, and blue or green eyes =]

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