Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Waxing facial hair - For Girls?

I have hair on the sides of my face and my chin. I don't have enough money to get something like laser hair removal. I've been told the next best thing to do is waxing. I'm worried because I already have super sensitive skin and I'm afraid my face will be red for days afterwards. Any suggestion or tips from women who have experienced this problem?Waxing facial hair - For Girls?
I get waxing done for my face whenever I need it. But, it only stays red for at the most, a half an hour afterwards. If it does stay red, put cream on your face. If you are getting it done by someone at a waxing place, usually they will put the cream on immidiately after. If they don't, it's best you do it yourself.Waxing facial hair - For Girls?
Waxing is not the answer for facial hair. I had some hair on my chin and when I started waxing it, the hair got thicker and darker and I needed to wax them every week. It became very ugly. It only did my problem bigger. My face became red for a day and it is a bit sensitive.

The best thing is laser. It needs to be done a few times but eventually the hair goes away. I've tried it and I'm very pleased.
I wax my eyebrows and I dont have any problems with redness or bumps and I have very sensative skin. I do, however, get red bumps on my bikini area for a couple of days after waxing. Everyones different so I would suggest that you go get it done and see what happens. Nobody can tell you how your skin will react.
I had bad facial hair too. I did the laser hair removal and I highly recommend it. My hair is just about gone.

I did try waxing a few times too...that works but you are right and it may leave your face red.

If I were you I would first try facial hair threading. Its kind of hard to find a place that does it but just check under your local craigslist. At the time I didn't know about threading but had I known I definitely would have done it.

Good luck.
If you have sensitive skin I would not do waxing. I used to wax my upper lip and I would get unsightly bumps for about a week and I do not have sensitive skin.

If money is an issue I would go to the drug store, they have a cream hair remover for sensitive skin. I can't remember what the name of it is. I think it starts with an M.

Good luck!
Find a good Esthetician in a reputable spa and have her analyze your skin. Then have them try a few small sections at a time. (The corners of your lips or a small part by your ear...) Don't jeopardize your whole faced and risk a horrible break. Work your way up. Some of my clients use a clay mask the night they are waxed and then two more nights after that and they seem to do just fine. Some can't handle it at all. You will never know til you give it a try.

Some medications (topical or oral) will make the skin too sentive to wax so communicate that info. to your Esthetician.

Just make sure you don't go when you are too close to your monthly cycle either way because the skin is much more sensitive and it will hurt more and you will be more likely to break out from it. Plus the hormones will make it grow back faster so its not worth it. Make sure you limit your sun exposure prior to and after your wax and don't tan 48 hours before and after. This may cause your skin to tear or stay read longer. AND PLEASE DON'T WEAR RED OR PINK WHEN YOU GO TO GET WAXED BECAUSE THIS WILL ONLY ACCENTUATE THE REDNESS.
I get waxing done for my face whenever I need it. But, it only stays red for at the most, a half an hour afterwards. If it does stay red, put cream on your face. If you are getting it done by someone at a waxing place, usually they will put the cream on immidiately after. If they don't, it's best you do it yourself

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