Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hey girls, do you like facial hair on guys?

i JUST shaved yesterday and ive already got stubble lol. when i put my head down it scratches my neck.

sorry i got off topic lolHey girls, do you like facial hair on guys?
i like the facial hair in your avatar lol =]Hey girls, do you like facial hair on guys?
It depends on the guy. Personally, I think guys with light brown/medium brown hair can pull it off the best- as long as it's not like a santa beard.

A lot of the time, guys with black or really dark hair have like the mexican mustache going on. That looks gross.

The guy I like has facial hair and he has dirty blonde hair, and the facial hair looks good on him. Well, I think so. My friends say he looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo or a billy goat :/
Depends on the guy ^.^

Some guys look great with facial hair.

Some look like hobo's...

I don't under any circumstances like the Jeff Foxworthy 'stash.


BUT I do like the American Chopper old guy bad@$$ biker beard/stash thing. That's just rad.

EDIT :: The American Chopper facial hair thingy only works when you're over 50.

If you're under 50, do something else...

sooo unattractive!

plus, most guys in high school like can't pull it off at all. it ends up being a gross mexi-stash. ugh...

but even if you can do legit facial hair, it's not attractive.

edit: lol sorry :P i feel very strongly about this. plus my mom and i just tried to convince my brother to shave because he has a ridiculous beard thing going on. he looks like shaggy from scooby doo. hahahha.
I don't care if it's a little stubble. My boyfriend used to leave it because he thought it looked cool to have stubble and it hurt my face. lol

I agree with tofu about the mexi-stache. I hate it when guys do that. It looks gross.

I don't like full on beards and stuff.
Depends on the guy. I tend to prefer men clean shaven though. Facial hair can be sexy...but when you're cuddling and kissing its never fun to feel like you are having sand paper rubbed against your face or to have his hairs go up your nose when kissing.
It depends where it is. I like my boyfriend to shave around his cheeks but hate when he shaves his upper lip and chin. I swear, it makes his lips look like a vagina, lmao! I haaaaate it.
Yes! But my husband looks young for his age. He's 23 (almost) and he looks 17 or so (when shaved). And whenever he has some thick stuble I call him my mountain man... he looks more like 28 when he's like that and he looks really sexy.
i've always hated facial hair...but when my boyfriend shaves he looks like 13 yrs old. so i tell him to keep it, just short. so it all depends on the guy.
I don't really mind it so much. Recently my boyfriend grew his facial hair out to maybe an inch wasn't bad. But I do prefer him to be shaven with some stubble. =)
I personally like stubble, my bf has a little bit on each side of his face, and I like it.
I don't like it at all. A little stubble isn't terrible but the smoother the better. =]
depends on the guy, but i don't like it when it is long....although i kinda like your mustache, lol
Well, I love the beard on your picture.

But, as a general rule, I don't like the scraggly type.
Stubble is okay, but if they've got a santa claus thing going on, that's just UUGGLYY!
Nope. It doesn't look bad if a guy can pull it off, but that's a very small minority and it still doesn't look that great.
Depends on the guy. Some guys can pull it off really well.
no i think its gross i tell my bf that he has to get rid of his fungus every time i can feel it lol
yes; i love it when my boyfriend leaves his beard, it's so rugged-looking and attractive. :]
Ugh, no :[ Idk why though :]

Yes, everyone loves YOUR facial hair X]
I like it on men with dark hair. Blondes and red heads with beards and stuff just look weird to me. :/
umm i like a shaven face more :)

a little hair won't do any harm tho :)
I don't like it on any guy but you:)
not really no. makes them look like a creepy old man or something.

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